Global Talent Experts

Hire the top 10% professionals in Europe I USA I Canada I Africa
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Why Choose Us

  • Worldwide PEO Service 90% 90%
  • Business Expansion Services 95% 95%
  • Technology specialisation 98% 98%
  • UK, Europe & USA Network 96% 96%

The top 10% of talent

We have access to 92.5% of the talent across the Product and Microsoft markets. These candidates are actively nutured and engaged with on a weekly basis providing value and developing real buy-in.

Save time & money

Our access speeds up delivery, enabling you to get on with what you are doing and grow without having to worry about whether that project will be completed on time. Save money. Grow your organisation.

Reduce Risk

Our end to end messaging ensures that the culture fit of each and every candidate is spot on. By knowing not only if a candidate is skilled, but if they fit in, we signficantly increase retention.

The Lavan System – as easy as 1,2,3

The Lavan System is a 24/7 automated digital many to many system that collects, communicates, and provides value to candidates. By providing a large amount of value upfront to these professionals, we nurture and grow our relationships with them. We get to know exactly what they need, the “black swans” requirements if you will, that if met will convince them to leave and join our clients.

Combined with our purpose built 6 step process as outlined below, we are able to deliver the top 15% of Web and Digital talent across the European marketplace.



Fit-gap analysis of your current situation and your needs



Database mapping and building process designing your bespoke recruitment plan



Input the plan parameters into our digital inbound attraction system 



Convert candidates with specific messaging based on our background knowledge of what is important to them.  



Deliver candidates and start the internal recruitment process



Our E2E Process ensures improved retention rates.


Get Started Now

Let us show you what we can do!